Today is my first full day of eating keto. It is officially Day 1 of my Keto Lifestyle journey. And I am calling it a Keto Lifestyle journey because I do not plan on reverting back to my old lifestyle. I am planning on making this a new way of living. I am excited because I feel like today is the first day of the rest of my life.
Why Did I Choose the Keto Plan?
I choose keto because I wanted a program where I can eat real food and I wouldn’t feel hungry. I had tried the HCG plan before and it worked. But the very low-calorie intake wasn’t sustainable. I honestly didn’t feel that great while doing the program. The drops caused me to have intense hot flashes and I would get this annoying twitch over my eyes. These were signs that I needed to do something different.
I began to do research on Keto diets and one thing was glaringly clear. Keto diet plans work and they involve eating healthy portions of food. Just not a lot of carbs. Let’s be clear. All foods have some level of carbs in them, but the Keto plan forces you to monitor your carbs and bring them down low enough to bring your body into a state of ketosis. Once in ketosis, the body begins to use fat for fuel. Hence, you become lean.
So how did my first full day of eating Keto go?
Well, it’s about 10:00pm EST as I write this blog post and I have to say that the day went pretty good. Here is what I had to eat:
Community Instant Coffee w/ RapidFire KetoGenic Creamer and 1 packet of aspartame. (I didn’t have anything else)
1 P3 packet (Turkey, Almonds and Cheese)
The coffee is so yummy, I don’t feel as if I am sacrificing anything at all. I feel amazing satisfied and don’t feel as if I am sacrificing flavor. I am actually looking forward to making this a part of my routine.
I had 1 pork chop and a half of an avocado.
Blueberries, cashews and olives ( I am going to have to use portion control)
Shake (Keto protein powder, matcha green tea, water, spinach, and strawberries) It was disgusting, but I added one packet of stevia and my ultimate youth from Youngevity. I have to check the carbs on that…9 grams – not bad)
1 Pork Chop and a few almonds
I weighed in at a 205.2 lbs.
I feel great for my first day into this new Keto lifestyle. I believe that I am going to make it through this program and I am planning to go hard and hopefully I will get into a state of ketosis soon. It can take up to a week to get into a ketogenic state. We will see.
If the rest of my days are like my first full day of eating keto, then I should do fine.
What Are the Effects of a Keto Diet Plan?
I was curious about what happens to the body when a person starts a Keto lifestyle and I heard that you can experience brittle nails and hair loss. Because I am over 50, I cannot afford to lose my hair. So I purchased collagen supplements, which should help me with that.
My biggest concern is constipation. I am hoping that I don’t have this as an issue because I am used to being regular. I didn’t go as normal today and that was a red flag. I am going to monitor this closely.
Excited About Keto Recipes
I am totally excited to try a lot of the keto recipes that are floating around the internet. I saw a good one on Avocado Nacho Fries made with pork rinds. I can’t wait to try it and so many others.
What You Expect From These Blogs
With my new Keto lifestyle you can expect to hear from more often. I will be weigh in once a week. So you can check back every Monday to see my progress. I will be posting pictures of myself as well. I want you to be able to physically see my progress.
Oh well, I am tired now. I starting writing at a little after 10pm EST and it is now almost 11:30pm. Because I get up and leave the house early, I will stop now. But I didn’t want to leave without asking you about your thoughts?
What do you think about keto diet plans and how I did on my first full day of eating keto?
Please leave your answers and comments below.