My Week One Keto Diet Results

My first week keto diet results are surprising.  I thought I was going to lose 5 or more lbs. But to my surprise I only lost 2 lbs.  I went from 205.2 to 203.2.  Here is a picture of the scale. 

If you’re wondering why my feet aren’t showing, it’s because I have one of those smart Fitbit scales and you have to step off in order for it to deliver your results. 

Yes. Your girl was expecting some big numbers. But I wasn’t mad. I will take that 2lb weight loss over no weight lost any day. I believe that my results next week will be better. However, this week I have several events and they will test me.  I believe that if I plan ahead I will be fine.  I’ve been watching my kids eat all kinds of stuff all week. But I have not cheated because I haven’t been hungry. And I am highly motivated.

What I have learned from my week one keto diet results…

My keto diet results have shown me that I can do this.  I am not bummed out because I only lost 2lbs.  Have you ever lifted a two pound weight? That’s a lot of weight. I can tell that the weight loss is mostly from fat.  My clothes are already fitting a lot more loose and I’m happy about that.  I have learned that it takes patience to succeed in changing your lifestyle, especially if you’re over 50 like me.  It took me my entire 50 plus years to develop these habits and it will probably take from now until I die to change.  However, I’m cool with that too.

I also learned that while you’re on Keto you can be tempted not to eat at all, but if you don’t eat and allow yourself to get ravenous that could lead to cheating and overeating. I could see how this feeling of never being hungry could work well with intermittent fasting, which I plan on adding to my program soon.  I’ve been watching some good videos on this, you can check them out here.

What shocked me the most during Keto week one was trying to figure out what keeps you in a high state of ketosis and what can knock you out of it.  I take a Unisom tablet most nights to help me sleep and I ran out, so I purchased Zzzquil liquid and used that on Wednesday and Thursday night, but then noticed my ketone levels dropped.  I didn’t take it on Friday or Saturday and by Monday in a high state of ketosis again.  Because little did I know that Zzzquil liquid contains 10 grams of sugar. Yikes! That equates to 10 grams of carbs! That’s a no-no.  It’s like wasted carbs.

Showing My Keto Diet Results With Photos

I am going to take my pictures today so I can see the difference between week two and week three.  However, below is a picture of what I looked like before I started the program. Not bad. Those are size 14 American Eagle jeans.  I don’t think I look bad.  Do you? (leave your comments below).  I’m just not comfortable being over 200 lbs and I want to relieve some of the pressure off of my feet.  This is why I’m doing this.  Plus I want to be healthier for my girls. Hopefully I’ll have grandchildren one day and I want to be able to play with them.

I’m not camera shy, therefore you can expect to see lots of photos, especially after I get my new camera. But for now this one will have to work.  It was taken around the 22nd of August 2018.  I wrote this blog post on Sept. 24, 2018.

Click Image to See A Recent Update

What you can expect regarding my future keto diet results…

You can check back to the blog weekly as I will be reporting my results here or you can visit my new blog Everything Keto Diet which is my new blog dedicated to my new keto lifestyle. You can also subscribe to the blog by clicking the button below.

Also, feel free to comment below. Let me know your thoughts.  Have you ever considered exploring the Keto Lifestyle?  Let me know.

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Toni Coleman-Brown
Toni Coleman-Brown

Toni Coleman Brown is an author, coach, motivational speaker, social media strategist and professional networker. She is also the Founder of the popular, Network for Women in Business, which is an online community designed to train, connect and advance women in business.

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